Saturday, May 23, 2020
Exploring the Yellowstone Supervolcano
Theres a powerful and violent menace lurking under northwestern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, one that has reshaped the landscape several times over the last several million years. Its called the Yellowstone Supervolcano and the resulting geysers, bubbling mudpots, hot springs, and evidence of long-gone volcanoes make Yellowstone National Park a fascinating geologic wonderland. The official name for this region is the Yellowstone Caldera, and it spans an area about 72 by 55 kilometers (35 to 44 miles) in the Rocky Mountains. The caldera has been geologically active for 2.1 million years, periodically sending lava and clouds of gas and dust into the atmosphere, and reshaping the landscape for hundreds of kilometers. Yellowstone Caldera is among the worlds largest such calderas. The caldera, its supervolcano, and the underlying magma chamber help geologists understand volcanism and is a prime place to study first-hand the effects of hot-spot geology on the Earths surface. The History and Migration of the Yellowstone Caldera The Yellowstone Caldera is really the vent for a large plume of hot material that extends hundreds of kilometers down through Earths crust. The plume has persisted for at least 18 million years and is a region where molten rock from Earths mantle rises to the surface. The plume has remained relatively stable while the North American continent has passed over it. Geologists track a series of calderas created by the plume. These calderas run from the east to northeast and follow the motion of the plate moves to the southwest. Yellowstone Park lies right in the middle of the modern caldera. The caldera experienced super-eruptions 2.1 and 1.3 million years ago, and then again about 630,000 years ago. Super-eruptions are massive ones, spreading clouds of ash and rock over thousands of square kilometers of the landscape. Compared to those, smaller eruptions and the hot-spot activity Yellowstone exhibits today are relatively minor. The Yellowstone Caldera Magma Chamber The plume that feeds the Yellowstone Caldera moves through a magma chamber some 80 kilometers (47 miles) long and 20 km (12 miles) wide. It is filled with molten rock that, for the moment, lies fairly quietly below Earths surface, although from time to time, the movement of the lava inside the chamber triggers earthquakes. Heat from the plume creates the geysers (which shoot superheated water into the air from underground), hot springs, and mudpots scattered throughout the region. Heat and pressure from the magma chamber is slowly increasing the height of the Yellowstone Plateau, which has been rising more rapidly in recent times. So far, however, there is no indication that a volcanic eruption is about to occur. Of more concern to scientists studying the region is the danger of hydrothermal explosions in between major super-eruptions. These are outbursts caused when underground systems of superheated water are disturbed by earthquakes. Even earthquakes at a great distance can affect the magma chamber. Will Yellowstone Erupt Again? Sensational stories crop up every few years suggesting that Yellowstone is about to blow again. Based on detailed observations of the earthquakes that occur locally, geologists are sure that it will erupt again, but probably not anytime soon. The region has been fairly inactive for the past 70,000 years and the best guess is that will remain quiet for thousands more. But make no mistake about it, a Yellowstone super-eruption will happen again, and when it does, it will be a catastrophic mess. What Happens During a Super-Eruption? Within the park itself, lava flows from one or more volcanic sites would likely cover much of the landscape, but the bigger worry is ash clouds blowing away from the site of the eruption. Wind would blow the ash as far as 800 kilometers (497 miles), eventually blanketing the mid-section of the U.S. with layers of ash and devastating the nations central breadbasket region. Other states would see a dusting of ash, depending on their proximity to the eruption. While its not likely that all life on earth would be destroyed, it would definitely be affected by the clouds of ash and the massive release of greenhouse gases. On a planet where the climate is already altering rapidly, a additional discharge would likely change growing patterns, shorten growing seasons, and lead to fewer sources of food for all of Earths life. The U.S. Geological Survey maintains a close watch on the Yellowstone Caldera. Earthquakes, small hydrothermal events, even a slight change in the eruptions of Old Faithful (Yellowstones famous geyser), provide clues to changes deep underground. If magma starts to move in ways that indicate an eruption, the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory will be the first to alert surrounding populations.
Monday, May 18, 2020
How Shakespeare Presents the Falling in Love of Ferdinand...
How Shakespeare Presents the Falling in Love of Ferdinand and Miranda The concept of the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand is one of the fundamental aspects of the play. In relation to the plot itself, the eventual idea that the pair will eventually end up together is part of Prosperos big plan, as it were. Shakespeare not only presents their falling in love and relationship as an important part of the make up of his play, but also uses the two characters to bring up a number of different concepts and themes, in addition to showing the audience the internal struggle Prospero faces and as a means to look more closely at the character of the protagonist. This idea that Prosper is the†¦show more content†¦Prospero is in two minds over his daughter; he has decided that he wants to orchestrate her marriage to Ferdinand, but on another side he is reluctant subconsciously to let go of her. This brings out many psychological themes such as male dominance and the need to exert power and authority over Ferdinand. While the audience knows that inevitably the couple will end up together, there is a strain and tension in Prosperos strain to giver her up. This slight awkwardness and tension reflects the idea of tempest. In front of Miranda he accuses Ferdinand of being a usurper, which connects to this underlying paranoia and almost Achilles heel in his psyche about his being overthrown and betrayed twelve years previously. It seems that the rather comical scene is the subconscious of his personality being betrayed. Prospero purposefully mocks Ferdinand in front of Miranda, which echoes this idea of putting him in his place and remai ning and stating his dominance in his daughters mind. Similarly, although this must not be overstated, the scene the scene with Ferdinands sword and Prosperos wand seem to be some type of mach, phallic symbols of male conflict. Prospero gets specifically angry when Ferdinand ignores him, as reflected by one more word and I charge thee, that thou attend me. Also Prospero gets angry whenShow MoreRelatedLove And Marriage In Shakespeares The Tempest1681 Words  | 7 PagesLove and Marriage in The Tempest William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest (1610-11) includes two important themes: love and marriage. Throughout the play, Shakespeare portrays love as a force that brings people together, but also as a thing that people take advantage of. Prospero is the main manipulator of love in this play. By using his daughter Miranda’s feelings and having her marry Ferdinand, he manages to strengthen his own political power. Also, most of the instances of love in this play areRead More A Comparison of Romantic Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Tempest, and Twelfth Night1505 Words  | 7 PagesRomantic Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Tempest, and Twelfth Night In all of Shakespeares plays, there is a definitive style present, a style he perfected. From his very first play (The Comedy of Errors) to his very last (The Tempest), he uses unique symbolism and descriptive poetry to express and explain the actions and events he writes about. Twelfth Night, The Tempest and A Midsummer Nights Dream are all tragicomedies that epitomise the best use of the themes and ideologyRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesrelevancy should attract readers. Stanley Baronett. Jr., University of Nevada Las Vegas Far too many authors of contemporary texts in informal logic – keeping an eye on the sorts of arguments found in books on formal logic – forget, or underplay, how much of our daily reasoning is concerned not with arguments leading to truth-valued conclusions but with making choices, assessing reasons, seeking advice, etc. Dowden gets the balance and the emphasis right. Norman Swartz, Simon Fraser University
Monday, May 11, 2020
Essay on The Dilemma Of An Accountant - 1267 Words
The ethical dilemma in this case is one that Daniel Potter is faced with. Daniel is a staff accountant at a Big Eight accounting firm, Baker Greenleaf. He was given the duty of performing an audit on a wholly-owned real estate subsidiary (Sub) of a long-standing and important client of his firm. Oliver Freeman is Daniel’s project manager. Oliver is the one that gave Daniel the task of performing the audit, and he is expecting a clean opinion from Daniel on the analysis of the Sub in order to secure the clients account exclusively. While performing the audit, Daniel found a discrepancy with the value of the Sub’s largest real estate properties. The Sub had valued the property at $2 million on their balance sheet, and†¦show more content†¦The first key stakeholder is the accounting firm, Baker Greenleaf. Baker Greenleaf’s stake in this case has to do with the client involved in the case. The client is a long-standing and important account that Baker has shared with another Big Eight accounting firm. The decision that Daniel makes can have one of several affects on the status of the account between the client and Baker Greenleaf. Baker feels that if the client receives a satisfactory performance on a special audit, then they may secure the account exclusively instead of having to share it with another accounting firm. If Daniel does not say anything about the incident, then Baker Greenleaf will have a great chance of obtaining the account exclusively because of the clean opinion. If Daniel does go to someone about the incident and the file is pulled and changed to his original recommendation that included th e subject-to-opinion proviso, then Baker Greenleaf may not obtain the account exclusively or may even lose the account altogether. The next key stakeholder that I have determined is Daniel Potter. Daniel could possibly have a lot at stake in this case. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Project - 1054 Words
State University of New York Empire State College, MBA Program Course 651644: Tools and Processes in Project Management Summer 2013 term Instructor: Dr. Adams Assignment #1: X-philes Data Management Corporation: RFP Matters By Jose M Collazo What is the basis for the problem? There are two primary problems with how X-philes Data Management Corporation handled the request for proposal. The first one was the lack of communication by the managers who selected the same vendor for two different projects. This problem led to the creation of the second problem which is proper resource allocation. When dealing with multiple projects with the same vendor, the company runs the risk†¦show more content†¦This situation could have been avoided by following prudent project management principles. The managers at X-philes Data Management Corporation will need to stay aware of the production capabilities of their chosen vendors. According to Pinto, one of the first steps should be determining which projects will pose the greatest demand on the available resources of their chosen vendor. Once that is achieved those resources need to be set aside. The main objective is to realize that resource bottlenecks are likely to spring from unexpected peaks in resource n eeds relative to the number of projects under development. Consequently, this approach identifies these possible bottlenecks and uses them as the starting point for additional resource allocation (Pinto 2013). How would you handle this situation? It is critical that project managers communicate properly when scheduling outside contractors to avoid resource utilization issues. As Pinto states the complexity of dealing with vendors increases when we consider it within a multi-project environment, that is, when we try to schedule resources among multiple projects that are all competing for a limited supply of resources. No project or program exists in isolation (Engwall, 2003). In such circumstances, a number of options are available to project managers to find the optimal balance between multiple competing projects and finite resources. Among theShow MoreRelatedA Research Project On Project Management Essay1244 Words  | 5 Pagesinitiating or participating the process improvement projects. I feel that project management is a very broad term for any type of project that a company, or individual, uses to implement a change or improvement to a product or service. With this definition, I concluded that one of biggest projects I ever managed was when I was approached and began participating in a Greenbelt (PMP) project for a process that I utilize daily basis. 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Characteristics of the Classic Monster Movie Free Essays
Monster movies took hold in the early 1930’s as a new spin on the horror-psychological thrillers beginning to debut. The monster movie genre as a whole has taken much criticism as to its merits, but it holds its weight in the box office with nearly 15% of all movie sales (Fischoff). And, while many things can be said about the monster movie as a genre, the monster movie can be taken apart and illuminated to pick out the three core, salient characteristics found in all movies of the genre: the type of monster, the psychological aspect of the monster, and the plot of the movie, or, more succinctly, the monster’s motive. We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of the Classic Monster Movie or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fundamentally, certain genres lend to certain types of story arcs. While the romantic comedy often follows a more character driven plot, where the characters find the meaning of true love, the monster movie follows a definable plot driven format. And basically, in the plot driven movie, the overall story illustrates the efficiency of a town’s characters and how well they are able to stand up to the monster, before, either they are killed or the monster is finally neutralized or vanquished in a final, climax of a scene. To be honest, the end result of the town and its people doesn’t really matter, and any ending is entirely plausible. But, the intrigue that makes a good monster movie is to be competently presented with the monster, the origin of the monster, and for the audience to discover what that monster wants out of the society they are terrorizing. While the monster makes the lives of the characters in the story miserable, the audience is torn between wanting the characters to win, or actually feeling sympathy for the monster because of the conditions presented surrounding that monster’s origin. Moreover, monster movie plots have been known to fit into the plot categories and monster types to such a degree that a generator was actually created by David Neilsen. Among the other completely hilarious and surprisingly useful generators to be had, the Monster Movie Pitch allows a user to create their own monster movie pitch by filling in the required fields. Once filled in, the monster movie pitch is instantly created and a visitor can do what they want with the results. Because this generator actually serves to illuminate the points within this paper, a short detour will be taken. With that said, the generator dictates that a male lead, female lead, and male sidekick are required, as well as a title. Then the setting must be chosen: either a dark and forbidding forest, a sleepy little town, a mental institution, at sea, or ancient ruins. Then the monster type must be selected: either the undead, extra-terrestrial, scientific abomination, creature of folklore/myth/legend, or nature gone bad. And finally, the monster motive must be defined: revenge, to feed, to protect its young, its slumber has been disturbed, or it seeks to destroy humanity. Now, let’s see what fun can be had. The selections have been made for the practice monster movie entitled, The Big Bad. The rundown: heroic Zack and best buddy Trent, live in a sleepy little town and will come across an extra-terrestrial, leading lady Emily, and who seeks to destroy humanity. Simple and sounds like a blockbuster. Plugged into the generator, here’s the actual movie pitch: Critically acclaimed Egyptian filmmaker Aslad Assop brings his nightmare back to the screen with The Big Bad. This long awaited sequel to his international hit, Gong of Deviled Oxen, reunites aggressive shepherd Huche Ramman (Zack) with his holy guide Hammotep (Trent) in their biggest adventure yet. This time, Huche discovers messages in the entrails of his sheep and the trail leads to an extra-terrestrial temptress (Emily) who wishes to use sin to destroy all of humanity. Now the temptress is invading Huche’s Sleepy Little Town of Grozer, Egypt and only Huche’s faith can save the world! Sounds better than some of the monster movies out there. Now, the purpose of the generator was not merely for amusement, though it was a bit of fun; however, it also serves to prove and illustrate the core, salient characteristics of the monster movie which are the type of monster, the psychological appeal of the monster, and the plot, or, motive of the monster. Because Neilsen states the monster types right out, it’s easy to realize, once they are presented in such a manner, that every monster movie (probably ever made) fits well into the categories, without even needing wriggle room. To be precise, Neilsen states that there are five basic types of monster. The first type is the undead monster. Now, the undead monster movie began in the 1930’s with Dracula and continued well into the freaky zombie thrillers of today like 28 Days Later and Resident Evil. The undead category is not only chilling, but is perhaps the most used of all the monster types. Even pop culture revolves around vampires, zombies, and the undead with shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Supernatural. This type of monster has the greatest impact on an audience because of the psychological aspect and appeal behind that monster. Moreover, the second monster type is the extra-terrestrial and is evident in movies like Alien, War of the Worlds and Predator. ET actually fits this category as well, though that alien is more cute and cuddly than frightening. Now, this monster type usually has the same motive, that to destroy all of mankind, and is the least escapable of all the monster types because they take more to vanquish than simple guns and grenades. Characters in these movies die rapidly and often, and do little but to illustrate the irk of the monster. The third monster type is known as the scientific abomination. This is an interesting monster category because it actually encompasses many different sorts of monsters, from Frankenstein, to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, to the Invisible Man. In all cases, this type of monster is created, even purposefully manufactured, and the outcome is accidental and tragic. The creator of the monster is often murdered, or lost to his darker evil side, and the characters again, serve only to be killed off as the mad scientist almost realizes his folly. The fourth type of monster is the creature from folklore/myth/legend. This category encompasses monsters from The Mummy, to monsters in The Relic, Cerberus, and After Dark. These monsters all have the same motive, and all, actually, seem to have become a plague to the characters because of that motive: being disturbed from their slumber, which serves to kill off most of the characters in the most violent and brutal method possible. Finally, the fifth monster type is nature gone bad. This fits the Armageddon sort of flick, where birds, bats, plague, or impending asteroids kill off a good portion of the characters. Movies like Stephen King’s The Birds, Armageddon, 10.5, and The Day After Tomorrow fit this category well. The problem with this last monster type is that it differs the most dramatically from the genre because a great deal more time is spent on character growth than on the priorities of the monster, being nature, but in the end, nature usually wins out, despite how great the characterization is. Furthermore, Stuart Fischoff’s study commented on many things monster but one conclusion was striking, that â€Å"film monsters have proven to be such unforgettable characters that in many instances they have become part of our culture.† In fact, they are unforgettable to the degree that â€Å"most Americans would recognize a picture of Frankenstein, Dracula, King Kong, Godzilla or the Mummy before recognizing a Supreme Court Justice†(Fischoff). This conclusion is not only remarkable, it is entirely true. John Rutledge is one of the most recently discussed Supreme Court Justices, but his name means nothing unless that person has been thoroughly engrossed in the newspaper for the past two years. On the other hand, a person doesn’t even have to watch Godzilla to know that Godzilla is a dinosaur-like creature that wreaks havoc on Tokyo or that Dracula is a vampire with unconventional vampire powers. Additionally, the second core characteristic of monster movies is the psychological aspect and appeal of the monster. This aspect can roughly be defined as not only the type of monster, but the character of that monster and what affect that monster has on an audience. Fischoff’s study was also to survey a group of people and conclusively determine who the â€Å"King of Monsters†was. Turns out Dracula wins, though not because he is the most violent, nor is he the best killer among the monsters to choose from. Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lector obviously had the mass-slaying thing down, but they could never have the staying power that Dracula has because their nature is for violence and they lack the extreme psychological aspect that makes Dracula not only frightening, but also seductive. Monster movies are great to watch when the monster is a monster. But, when man becomes a monster, as in the case of Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs, for reasons pertaining to his youth and not some botched experiment, the movie experience becomes nearly transcendently frightful with the very real aspect that Hannibal could be a real person in a very real neighborhood. Same with Freddy Krueger, though he at least has that whole dream-killing thing happening which makes him, in reality, a bit less plausible, though his deeds are no less terrifying. Fischoff offers some insight into this phenomena, stating that â€Å"it is believed to be the thrill of fright, the awe of the horrific, the experience of the dark and forbidden side of human behavior that lures people into the dark mouth of the theater to be spooked†(Fischoff). Even though the man-monster takes off on a different path from the genre, hitting horror and the psychological aspect harder than ever before, people still flock to these movies in droves due to the need for fright, to experience the thrill without living the thrill (how scary would it be if Hannibal lived down the street?). And, the best monster movies are able to produce at least that much. Moreover, according to Fischoff’s survey, the top ten monsters of all time, in order, are: Dracula, Freddy Krueger, Godzilla, Frankenstein, Chucky, Michael Myers (Halloween), King Kong, Hannibal Lector, Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th), and Alien. It is interesting to notice when looking at this list that the monster to man-monster ratio is an exact split between the ten. Five genuine monsters and five men-turned-monsters. When it comes to monster movies, the best monster is obviously a cross between the most horrific and the most frightening. Furthermore, the third characteristic of monster movies is the use of plot as a device to form the movie around the monster. Like Neilsen’s generator was helpful to suggest, there are five different plots that make up the monster movie genre, almost, in its entirety. And, these plots all revolve around or are centered on, the motive of the monster. Basically, the monster can be out for revenge, need to feed, need to protect its young, their slumber has been disturbed, or they want to destroy humanity. All movies created in the early black and white era actually follow this format, the most famous of them setting up the very archetype known as monster movies today. To begin with, Frankenstein (1931) demonstrates the classic revenge plot. Dr. Henry Frankenstein wanted to make a man out of stolen body parts and actually managed to do so. In fact, Dr. Frankenstein’s monster would have been a medical marvel if not for the criminal brain secured for his construction. Because of that tiny little fatal flaw, the monster rises with a vendetta for Dr. Frankenstein. And because Dr. Frankenstein screwed up, he becomes the obsession of his own creation. In Dracula (1931), Count Dracula, something of a real estate tycoon and upwardly rich aristocrat, preys on the people he comes across in Transylvania. Dracula is different than the average monster because of his strikingly literal human nature. He also has the enhanced ability to seduce his victims beyond their control, which makes him exceptionally difficult to properly vanquish. The story also ends heroically as Van Helsing is proven right and is able to destroy Dracula. Dracula’s main motive, besides amusement, is simply, to feed. King Kong (1933) differs from many monster movies because the character relationships are vitally important for the movie to progress. There are two main relationships developed throughout, that of Ann and Jack and that of Ann and King Kong. King Kong’s motive, once he falls for his new companion Ann, is to protect her from the evils in his jungle environment, and later, the evils he sees New York City.   One of the final lines in the movies, â€Å"it wasn’t the airplanes, it was beauty that killed the beast†strikes a cord in any heart and makes King Kong perhaps the most lovable of all movie monsters because of his human desire to protect Ann. In The Mummy (1932) a priest is resurrected accidentally by an unwitting team of archeologists and sets about seeking his lost love. Bad things happen along the way, one of the archeologists is taken as a replacement for the mummy’s lost bride, but the mummy is vanquished in the end when the archeologists destroy the scroll that brought him back to life. The mummy, Im-ho-tep, basically sends his wrath out on the world and spends the movie causing mass destruction because his slumber was disturbed. Simple as that. Finally, in Godzilla (1954), Godzilla is a monster god (more like un-extinct dinosaur) that preys on the countryside of Tokyo and fits the classic monster out to destroy humanity plot. The natives sacrifice virgins in an attempt to appease the monster, but Godzilla seems to enjoy wreaking as much destruction as possible. The monster attacks every few scenes, with the people in a panic as to how to destroy him before they are all killed. And, even though they manage to kill Godzilla in the end, the result is not joyful as the people still fear another Godzilla is just moments from rising from the sea. Overall, all movies follow a specific formula which can be calculated and defined based upon the genre they fall in to. The monster movie is a cross between the horror film and the psychological thriller and has certain core, salient characteristics that define the monster movie as a genre. Neilsen helps to illuminate the various forms of monster and monster motives with his monster movie pitch generator, and it can be said that, categorically, monster type, psychological aspect of the monster, and motive of the monster as demonstrated in the plot combine to form the core characteristics of the monster movie. Works Consulted. Fischoff, Stuart, et al. â€Å"The Psychological Appeal of Your Favorite Movie Monsters.†International Scientific Communications, 2003. â€â€-. â€Å"The Psychological Appeal of Movie Monsters.† Journal of Media Psychology, 2005. LaBarbera, Michael. â€Å"The Biology of B-Movie Monsters.† University of Chicago, 2003. Neilsen, David. â€Å"Monster Pitch Generator.† Brunching Shuttlecocks, 2001. Waters, Cullen. â€Å"The Plot Archetypes of Giant Monster Movies.†, 2005. Zoombaba. â€Å"Creature Feature: Monster Movie Roleplaying.† Accessed March 22, 2007. How to cite Characteristics of the Classic Monster Movie, Essay examples
Social Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics
Question: Discuss about the Social Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics. Answer: Introduction: The objective of the study is to develop an entrepreneurship plan for the selected hotel Moxy hotel, which is a trendy hotel brand under the Marriott group. The management of the hotel has decided to install a whole screen to provide an additional hospitality facility for the guest. The hotel administration has decided to use a technology, which will attract the tourists in a new way. The overall hospitality industry falls under the notion of the perfectly competitive market structure, and it is one of the booming industries across the world. The assignment will initiate the application of new technology which, the users will be benefited in particular ways. Features of the product This part of the study will evaluate about the specifications of the products. There are different kinds of additional features on which the guests will experience a new thing. It is common that the demands of the customers are not limited and on the other hand, sometimes it becomes difficult for the companies to get the required demand fulfilled with the help of the limited resources (Huang et al., 2016). Customers are now expecting more innovation and creativity, along with the different kinds of hospitality facilities. To fulfill the required demand of the clients the hotel authority has innovate a new thing. It will allow the Moxy hotel authority to provide a new experience for the tourists in the hotel with the help of the existing technologies. The idea is to install panels on the ceiling. There are certain organizational goals and objectives, which a different organization irrespective of the nature of the business decides, in the overall managerial process. The ultimate goal is to create a unique accommodation experience for the guests, and it will allow them to increase the overall competitiveness of the industry. The technological field is growing at a rapid pace and by using; the existing technology will give the organization a better chance to develop certain ideas, which will execute all the plans in the required manner (Jones, Hillier Comfort, 2016). Some of the additional benefits, which the tourists will experience in the application of this particular idea, are reflected in the following part of the analysis. The tourists will experience by choosing a proper pattern and different themes. All the panels are connected as a large TV screen. The aim of the hotel industry is to increase the sales and profit simultaneously. To develop a proper innovative plan, th ere are some key attributes, which this particular hotel follows. Providing a unique experience for the customers with the application of the existing technology by following the trend and the behavior of the customers are highlighted in the overall process of developing a proper marketing plan. However, there are two additional points, which on the organization will be benefited; one is to develop a new target market and to expand the overall market share. Attributes of the product This section of the study will conclude what are the different kinds of key attributes of this particular innovative idea. The idea will customize the needs of the guests and will allow all the guests to experience a new idea (Kuratko, 2016). The display panels have different kinds of specifications based on the requirements of the customers. There are two primary functions of this particular design. First, the panel will display a theme, for example, a theme of cloud on the ceiling. At the same time, clients can modify the background by themselves, such as put a coconut tree on the beach, a cruise on the sea and so on. The second option will allow the users to watch TV for example football matches or movies during their vacations. These features will provide a unique experience for the customers. Durability of the product The durability of the product is excellent. It is more important to satisfy the demands of the customers by providing some innovative ideas. The primary thing in the hospitality industry is to maintain the quality of the product and service (Chen et al., 2016). Service is one of the crucial factors and it is an intangible asset of the company. In the hospitality sector, maintaining the quality of the service provided matters a lot. In this case, the organization in the study, Moxy Hotel performs different kinds of research and development process to evaluate different kinds of ideas by keeping in mind the requirements of the customers. The company emphasizes towards maintaining the quality of the product, along with its durability. However, the overall idea is very much sophisticated. It requires proper maintenance procedures throughout the year. The guest needs to be very much careful towards handling, as it us made up of glass. Reliability of the Product Since the industrial revolution began, new products and innovative ideas have been appearing at a growing pace (Chell et al., 2016). The reliability of outputs has been increased considerably to gather the growing demands, needs and prospect of the customers. Customers need assurance that the product and the innovative idea developed by a different business organization will fulfill the requirements of the customers and at the same time, it will last long in an efficient manner (Simn-Moya Revuelto-Taboada, 2016). However, the reliability of the products and service convey the concept of the soundness, the success of operations and absence of failures (Galai, Hillel Wiener, 2016). Marriott is one of the most renowned hospitality organizations. The idea, which is developed by this particular team, will provide lifetime reliability both in the concept as well as in the products. Work Flow The notion of the workflow will determine will determine the application as well as implementation of a proper marketing plan, which includes proper installation as well as a proper maintenance process (Chang, 2016). The installation part is one of the key sections in this particular entrepreneurship. The primary responsibility of the organization is to find an IT company who will take the responsibility of both installation and maintenance and installation are equally important. Karisoft is the name of the organization who will take the responsibility of installing and maintaining the IT operations of the organization. Karisoft is one of the leading Australian IT operations organizations and are involved in the major IT operations. The hotel authority has involved many funds in this particular project. The selected organization will perform both the installation process and the maintenance process. The hotel authority has decided to install the panel on the ceilings, which will provide an additional benefit to the visitors. The overall hospitality sector falls under the notion of the perfectly competitive market structure as the options of the visitors are diversified. There are different kinds of key attributes, which will highlight about this innovative idea. The dual feature of the innovative idea will provide a new experience among the tourists. It will evaluate all the crucial factors on which the tourists will some additional facilities along with the basic hospitality facilities provided by the hotel. However, by using this particular service, the users along with the basic facilities will be able to project the movies on the top of the wall with the help of the installed panel in the ceiling. Reference List Chang, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship your business plan.IEEE Engineering Management Review,44(1), 21-23. Chell, E., Spence, L. J., Perrini, F., Harris, J. D. (2016). Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: does social equal ethical?.Journal of Business Ethics,133(4), 619-625. Chen, P. J., Barber, N. A., Chan, W., Dr. Legrand, W., Okumus, F. (2016). Social entrepreneurship in hospitality.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(6). Galai, D., Hillel, L., Wiener, D. (2016).How to Create a Successful Business Plan: For Entrepreneurs, Scientists, Managers and Students. World Scientific. Huang, J., Li, W., Qiu, C., Yim, F.H.K. and Wan, J., 2016. The impact of CEO servant leadership on firm performance in the hospitality industry.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(5). Jones, P., Hillier, D., Comfort, D. (2016). Sustainability in the hospitality industry: Some personal reflections on corporate challenges and research agendas.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(1), 36-67. Kuratko, D. F. (2016).Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, and practice. Cengage Learning. Simn-Moya, V., Revuelto-Taboada, L. (2016). Revising the predictive capability of business plan quality for new firm survival using qualitative comparative analysis.Journal of Business Research,69(4), 1351-1356.
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