Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Reasons for Returning to College - 1060 Words
Returning back to school was a very natural decision for me. It seemed to be the next logical step in my personal and career goals. My ultimate goal is to be happy and healthy and be a good provider and role model. With that set aside for now, my next goal is to be financially stable and able to provide for my family in ways that my family was not able to provide for me. I definitely expect to work for what I want and earn every bit of it. The most recent motivator was that my company was willing to contribute a huge chunk of the yearly tuition, therefore removing some financial burden. This makes me feel like they truly care about my future and they really want to see me succeed. I have several personal reasons for returning to school.†¦show more content†¦I am also attracted to the idea of being a life long learner. I feel there is always more to gain and learning never ends. Whether it?s in the classroom, at home, or in social situations, everyone has something to offer to me to expand my knowledge base. At the university, I hope to learn new theories and practices that I?ve never thought about that I can apply to my daily life. My classmates will tell of their experiences that may be forever imprinted into my memory. My instructors have a wealth of knowledge that I am eager to absorb. I feel that knowledge and information are the most powerful tools to possess and use in everyday situations. At this point in my life, I am content with where I am now, but I know there is more out there. If I do not concentrate on my goals that I am mentally and physically capable to accomplish, my self esteem tends to suffer. It is important to obtain my goals in order to be fully content in my personal life. I thrive on a good challenge. For example, if an assigned task is too easy, I tend to get bored and undervalue myself as a whole. I wonder why this person assigned this task to me; do they think I am not capable of a more difficult task? I expect my courses at the university to challenge me in ways I have never been challenged before. The last reason I am returning to school is because I want to be a role model for my son. I feelShow MoreRelatedWhy Creating A Position As A Returning Student Concierge973 Words  | 4 Pagescreating a position as a Returning Student Concierge would be beneficial to Chattahoochee Technical College The goal of creating this position is to increase the return rate and persistence of returning students at CTC by focusing on creating a clearly defined re-entry path and a one-stop-shop of resources aimed at helping them reintegrate and succeed through the utilization of website information, specifically targeted marketing pieces, and the development of a returning student concierge. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Violent Video Games Free Essays
In the past 20 years society has fallen victim to mass murders perpetrated by children, even though overall crime is down. In order to better understand this; social scientists are conducting studies on whether violent video games contribute to this cycle of violence or are they just a tragic coincidence. In â€Å"violent Video Games: Dogma, Fear, and Pseudoscience†Christopher Ferguson argues that there is no significant contribution to video game violence and the up-tick in youth violence seen today. We will write a custom essay sample on Violent Video Games or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, David Grossmann in â€Å"Trained to kill (children who kill)†argues that video game violence not only contributes, but also trains children how to successfully carry out violent fantasies. Both Psychologists find little common ground. Fergusson states that â€Å"we understand little about the psychology of the young men who carry out such horrific crimes†. He feels that in society’s zeal to control this phenomenon social scientists are â€Å"masking the language of fear and irrationality, in the language of science†. In contrast Grossman demonstrates a strong correlation between video game violence and the alarming level of violence in today’s youth. He argues that the methodology used by our military and law enforcement during training, is being employed by the media and video game industries whose primary consumer is our children. Fergusson counters this by charging that violent video games are not the root cause because of inconsistencies in studies. He further states that â€Å"the gap between social science and reality has led to a moral panic regarding the effects of violent video games on youths†. He states that society is repeating the same media-based panics of the past; when Greeks plays, Bible translations, Rock, and rap among others were blamed for violence in the youth of it’s time. Grossman approaches the subject by dissecting the predisposition of violent behavior and looks at how desensitizing children to violence at an early age can have devastating effects. He uses his experience and expertise in this field to gather data to support this claim. While Fergusson accepts the hypothesis that violent video games increase aggression and violent behavior, he feels that it is ust that, a hypothesis. He does not believe the data supports its claim; stating there is a â€Å"tenuous connection between survey questionnaires or consensual aggression games in the laboratory and mass shooting incidents or the phenomenon of youth violence more generally in real life†. Grossman does not rely on other studies to arrive at his conclusions. He compares the data on how military and law enforcement are trained to cope and properly function in a violent environment. He then compares this with how the media and video game industries mimic this formula. Grossman puts forth the four recognized steps to desensitization towards killing; â€Å"Brutalization†, â€Å"Classical Conditioning†, â€Å"Operant conditioning†and finally supplying a â€Å"role model†. Comparing this with how the media and video game industries market their products. What is found is a duplication of these four steps by the media in their marketing strategies. On the other hand Ferguson states his own studies and that of Colwell, Olson and Kutner â€Å"find no such effect†. In his study, he finds little correlation between how the video and media entertainment industries affect the violent tendencies in adolescents or adults. Both scientists bring forth valid points to this debate, however while scientists continue to debate this issue, children continue to suffer. Both sides of the argument agree that emotionally disturbed, depressed, socially isolated and rage filled children are at a greater risk of carrying out these horrific crimes; however this is where their views part ways. While Ferguson sees validity to the hypothesis he does not believe video game violence is a contributor. Grossmann on the other hand, sees it as a serious contributing factor. This subject has turned from a disagreement in dissenting views to an all out debate between social scientists. What we do know regardless of which side you fall on in this debate is that parents must take an active role in their children’s lives, and ask the tough questions as well as monitor their children’s extra curricular activities. Whether it is pseudoscience or not you must answer that question. For now social scientists continue to debate this and as long as they do our children will continue to fall prey to this tragic cycle. How to cite Violent Video Games, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Tertiary Education Is Not Important free essay sample
Without an education people still can live happily and success in their life. People have to know the true meaning of education. Education is different from being literate. Education is something divine and it is linked to survival. What education do you think that ants have? Still, they are disciplined. People always have the urge to survive, and the curiosity to learn. Without school there are still many outlets of information and media, no one can hide from learning if they are in any social situations. Even by yourself in a cave over time you will find easier ways to build fires and better ways to make clothes or draw on the walls. Life is education. Everything you are and do is from some learned experience you had. People for thousands of years survived only by the experiences they had. Today we must live on our experiences during our lives and we can survive with no other education. We will write a custom essay sample on Tertiary Education Is Not Important or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some of the most successful people in the world started from scratch. Some didnt even get the chance to have a decent education. But still, they managed to become tigers and titans in businesses. Believing that a piece of paper will get you somewhere and letting other people decide on what you want is really a no go. Paper is something, but the experience, hard work and useful knowledge gained is far more important. In fact, the vast majority of people are not working in the same field as they went to school for. Responsibilities are more important than an investment in an education. Sometimes, more often than not, you will have no responsibilities if you stay in the groove and on an education path. Time affects a successful life. Stay in the groove with your time before it’s too late. Time is not as flexible as you think when you get older. If you are not in the â€Å"groove†of a timely education, you will sink in a hole of the inability to go to school and will end up competing with your hard earned skills. Those hard earned skills will not reward you on the same level as an educated background because in an employment scenario, chance favours the prepared mind. Its a fact that a college degree does not guarantee success. There are countless determined entrepreneurs who have proven that success can be achieved despite a lack of higher education. Many people succeed without college education. College degree couldn’t guarantee success since it’s something that we do, and not just something that happens to us passively. It should give an encouragement to those lacking college degrees but shouldn’t discourage those who are working hard towards getting one. They are many degreeless entrepreneurs who have risen to the top. Some high-profile entrepreneurs you will recognize immediately, while others you may be discovering for the first time. Many of them didnt complete elementary school, and still more are considered high school dropouts. Their backgrounds and industries run the gamut; however, they all have at least two things in common, incredible success and no college degree. Going to college/trade school may have bonuses, but there are no guarantees. There are many legendary people, who are dropouts, failed in school assessments but they proved that they are the greatest minds. One of them is Albert Einstein. He was a theoretical physicist widely regarded as the most important scientist of the 20th century. He dropped out of school at age 15. In 1905, he published four research papers that outlined his theories on relativity, equivalence of mass and energy (e=mc2), Brownian motion, and the photon theory of light. The theory of relativity was very controversial, and although it was proven in 1919, the Nobel committee did not mention it when bestowing the prize. The question is â€Å"Do you really need a college degree to succeed in life†? I would say no. Given that chances are equal, I would say that people who know and are passionate about what they really want and willing to pay the price for it (put in hard work and time, not necessarily money) will succeed in the end. In conclusion, the key is hard works, dedication and courage to face life challenges. From our experience, we are capable of adopting new things and learning it as we are parts it. Theres nothing you can do for your family as they say. So, people can find a way to succeed even if they lack of education.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Things Fall Apart Opposites do not Attract Essay Example For Students
Things Fall Apart Opposites do not Attract Essay In Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Mr. Brown, the first missionary in Umuofia, was a kind and respectful man. Not to say that Reverend James Smith was not, but his degree of kindness and respect were present in a whole different level. They both wanted to convert the lost, all those in Umuofia that were not in the church. Mr. Brown made friends with the clan and â€Å"trod softly on his faith,†(pg. 178) while Mr. Smith told them how things were in a harsh voice and tried to force his religion on the people of Umuofia. The impacts the two had on the people and the church were exact opposites. We will write a custom essay on Things Fall Apart Opposites do not Attract specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Mr. Brown was â€Å"very firm in restraining his flock from the clan†(pg. 178) and learned from talking to those within the group that â€Å"a frontal attack on the clan would not succeed†(pg. 181). Because of this insight he gained great respect with many of the high officials. Once he was even â€Å"presented with a carved elephant tusk, which was a sign of great dignity and rank†(pg. 179) by Akunna. With this earned admiration he was able to open not only a town store, but a hospital and a school as well. He pleaded for the clan to send their children and all others who wanted to, to attend his school. At first everyone was reluctant to explore this new option for education. Those that chose to attend Mr. Brown’s school would not only learn how to read and write, but they would also learn how to fight back against those that would come in and try to conquer them. With this insight and the kind â€Å"gifts of singlets and towels†(pg. 181) from Mr. Brown, more people flooded into his school. Mr. Brown’s school not only taught them how to speak and read in another tongue, but â€Å"from the very beginning religion and education went hand in hand†(pg. 82). Mr. Smith, on the other, hand was very harsh and â€Å"saw things as black and white. And black was evil†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 184). That unfortunate turn of phrase was indicative of ignorance and his attitude from the beginning toward the natives of Umuofia who were dark skinned. Under his control, or one might say lack of control, the â€Å"over-zealous converts†¦ now flourished in full favor†(pg. 185) causing the church and clan to meet collide to head for once and all when â€Å"Enoch had killed an ancestral spirit†(pg. 186). Once the egwugwu went to confront Mr. Smith for the killing of one of their members, Mr. Brown’s ignorance and rudeness were revealed even greater than before when he refused to leave the grounds when asked. Because of the reputation and the friendships that were built by Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith was treated with the same respect when confronted by the spirits. Unfortunately, Mr. Smith still would not go and respect the wishes of â€Å"the spirits and leaders of Umuofia†despite their kindness regarding the situation at hand. Although â€Å"Mr. Smith stood his ground†¦ he could not save his church†(pg. 191) and the hands of the egwugwu tore apart the hard work Mr. Brown put into the church in Umuofia before having to leave both physically and socially. When the church first came into town everyone was very hesitant and aloof to this new God and church. If is was not for Mr. Brown coming in first and creating the relationships the church would very doubtfully had had the chance to even build a building in the outskirts of town. .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .postImageUrl , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:hover , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:visited , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:active { border:0!important; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:active , .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46 .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0d935d08657e4a46f7d234def7f3cb46:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How to Write a Controversial EssayIf Mr. Smith has been the first to arrive at Umuofia it would have been very difficult to build any trust among the people. Because â€Å"Mr. Smith danced a furious step†(pg. 185) among the people of Umuofia, the relationship would have undoubtedly been hard to create. It is unfortunate, though, that the people of Umuofia did not have a choice of which missionary, if any, they might have preferred to teach them the ways of the white man. Instead they were stuck with two missionaries, one of which they liked to a point, and another that they could not get rid of.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Reflective Education through Curriculum Essays
Reflective Education through Curriculum Essays Reflective Education through Curriculum Essay Reflective Education through Curriculum Essay Essay Topic: Reflective ISSN : 2278 5639 Global Online Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GOEIIRJ) {Bi- Monthly} Volume II, Special Issue I on Reflective Education October 2013 REFLECTIVE EDUCATION THROUGH CURRICULUM Santosh A. Melashetty Assistant Professor KER soctetys M. Ed. P. G. centre Karnatak College of Education, Bidar INTRODUCTION : Reflection means to describe one basic level of thinking i. e. what you did ? What others did? and how you felt ? etc. Reflection has often been viewed as synonymous with critical thinking. Reflection is an important human activity in which people ecapture their experience. Think about it, null over and evaluate it. It is the working with experience that is important in teaching / learning. John Dewey (1933) states, reflection involves a willingness to engage in constant self appraisal and development, reflection implies flexibility, rigorous analysis is social awareness. Reflection is being increasingly viewed as a valuable learning method for different purpose. There are main two important types of reflections i. e. dialogical and critical reflection and it follows the guided and action research method and it goes in cyclic ay. REFLECTIVE EDUCATION : Reflective Education refers to the process of the educator studying his/her own teaching methods and determining what works best for the students regarding subjects and moreover critical and analytical thinking about the learning and teaching activities. Teaching learning are complex and there is no one right approach, reflecting on different versions of teaching approaches and reshaping past and current experiences will lead to improvement in teaching, learning and education reflection in action helps teacher in making the professional knowledge hat they will gain from their experience in classroom. REFLECTIVE EDUCATION THROUGH CURRICULUM : In reflective education educator engage in thinking critical thinking and analytical approach about curriculum and think to apply the previous experience to present situation makes teaching learning approaches and activities more meaningful. Secondary Education Commission (1952-54) says, curriculum includes the totality of the experiences that a pupils receives through the manifold activity, that go on in the school, classroom, wrww. goeiir]. com page 21 ibrary, laboratory, play ground and workshop etc. In this sense whole life of the school becomes curriculum. Cunningham says, curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist to mould his material according to his ideals in his studio. DIALOGIC REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN EDUCATION : Dialogic reflection means, discourse with the self to explore a given event or incident. For example, the individual thinks about what educators are going to do in their lectures, about the information they would like to convey, the method they intend to use, the level of engagement and so on. In advance of delivery of the class about content, after wards they then consider how well they achieved their intended goals and which aspects require further attention regarding the content. METHOD FOLLOWED IN DIALOGIC REFLECTION : Guided method followed in dialogic reflection, it involves engaging with a series of questions regarding the contents. For example: Topic: Micro organisms. * What most important / useful / relevant event or idea? Definitions, structure, useful and harmful micro organisms. How can be explained? Inductive and deductive approach, demonstration method etc. How is it similar to and different from other events? Here Educator think and apply the post knowledge, experience to the present situation regarding content. What I have learned from this? Educator learns thinking about the micro organisms, gaining experiences and able to share the experiences. How does this mean for any future situations? This means help in sharing experiences. These questions can be designed by the educators themselves and serve as a guide the reflection process. These types of questions help to educator to explore and econsider your motivational or rationale for your actions. CRITICAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN EDUCATION : Critical reflection refers to efforts to accounting for the broader, historic, cultural and page 22 political values in framing practical problems to arrive at a solution. Critical reflection helps transformational learning that can be happen either gradually in from a sudden and it after the way people see themselves and their world. METHOD FOLLOWED IN CRITICAL REFLECTION : The method applied in critical reflection is action research. This involves ystematically changing the teaching, using on the ground evidence that suggests the changes, you make are in right directions and enhancing student learning. This Method goes in an analytic way of content and finds the solution. The target of the action research is the teacher and the reflection is considered transformational that the teaching is being altered as a result of the reflection and is deemed more accurate. The educators should frame the following questions before presentation in critical reflection Example : Topic : Water Pollution What was the problem ? Water pollution. What was/were the causes of the problem ? Educators analyze the cause of water pollution, drainage water, industrial waste etc. How did you deal with the problem then ? i. e. stating problem, data collection, analysis and interpretation. How did your solution to the problem relate to your theory of teaching learning After going through the action research to the problem to come conclusion i. e. industrial waste is main cause for the water pollution. CONCLUSION : Reflection means think about your past knowledge, experience to the present ituation. It may be the simple or critical both are beneficial in the teaching, learning process, Educator understands their own style, abilities skill etc. and learner also know themselves. In present scenario, Reflection Education has many advantages in teaching learning process. i. e. Educator goes good profession development and learners learn effectively only it is used in real practice through curriculum. page 23 REFERENCES : http://ask. reference. com/information/Education/Reflective 2) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reflective_practice 3) http://infed. g/mobi/reflection-learning-and-education/ 4) 5) http://wiki. literacytent. org/index. php/Curriculum_Development_Questions/Reflections 6) cuhk. edu. hk/aJelt/v017/art1 . htm 7) emu. edu/education/model/ 8) ericdigests. org/2001-3/reflective. htm 9) learningandteaching. info/learning/reflecti. htm ncbi. nlm. nih. goWpubmed/10222968 papermasters. com/education-reflection. html scribd. com/doc/48162689/Reflective-Teaching ukcle. ac. uk/resources/personal-development-planning/curriculum/ page 24
Friday, November 22, 2019
Prosopopoeia - Definition and Examples in Rhetoric
Prosopopoeia s in Rhetoric A figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person is represented as speaking is called prosopopoeia. In classical rhetoric, its a type of personification or impersonation. Prosopopoeia was one of the exercises used in the training of future orators. In The Arte of English Poesie (1589), George Puttenham called prosopopoeia the counterfeit impersonation. Etymology From the Greek, prà ³sopon face, person, and poià ©in to make, to do. Pronunciation pro-so-po-po-EE-a Examples and Observations Prosopopoeia allows its users to adopt the voices of others; but it also has the potential to show them that when they think they are speaking in their own person, they are prosopopeias themselves.(Gavin Alexander, Prosopopeia: The Speaking Figure. Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, Gavin Alexander, and Katrin Ettenhuber. Cambridge University Press, 2007)The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve:Lovers, to bed; tis almost fairy time.(Theseus in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act 5, Scene 1) Prosopopeia and Catachresis That a catechesis can be a prosopopoeia, in the etymological sense of giving face, is clear from such ordinary instances as the face of a mountain or the eye of a hurricane. It is possible that, instead of prosopopeia being a subspecies of the generic type catachresis (or the reverse), the relationship between them is more disruptive than that between genus and species.(Paul De Man and Wlad Godzich, The Resistance to Theory. University of Minnesota Press, 1986) Apostrophe and Personification in Keats Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor,Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reapd furrow sound asleep,Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hookSpares the next swath and all its twinà ¨d flowers:And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keepSteady thy laden head across a brook;Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.(John Keats, Ode to Autumn) Prosopopeia in Classical Rhetoric Under the term prosopopeia, as can be inferred etymologically from the Greek and Latin appellations, authors use the device of introducing in discourse a feigned presentation of characters or personified things, that is, feigned sub specie personae. The usual form of this presentation is through the attribution of human properties or qualities, especially those of speaking or listening (the terms dialogismos and sermonocinatio refer to this property). The device must be properly regulated by the literary norms of stylistic decorum.The majority of authors usually distinguish between two modalities in attributing the device to characters or personified things: (1) direct discourse (prosopopoeia recta) or (2) indirect discourse (prosopopoeia obliqua). The most elaborated doctrine concerning this figure of speech, as in the case with ethopoeia, appeared in ancient Greek handbooks for rhetorical exercises (progymnasmata), in which both appear tightly linked.(Jose Antonio Mayoral, Prosopop oeia. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. by Thomas O. Sloane, Oxford University Press, 2001) Prosopopoeia in FilmsThe easiest means to prosopopoeia in moving pictures is using animation to give human shape and motion to lifeless things.A train at the top of a hill sniffs a flower before swooping down the other slope. Holsters even spread themselves to receive Panchitos revolvers (The Three Caballeros, Norma Ferguson). A steam engine is given eyes, piston chambers that thrust like feet when it pulls, and a mouth and voice that cry All aboard (Dumbo, Walt Disney and Ben Sharpsteen). A building hoist falling at breakneck speed politely slides across to the next shaft on meeting someone, sliding back again after it has passed him (Rhapsody in Rivets, Leon Schlesinger and Isadore Freleng).(N. Roy Clifton, The Figure in Film. Associated University Presses, 1983) Also Known As: evocation
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Factors that affect Foreign Direct Investment Essay
Factors that affect Foreign Direct Investment - Essay Example From the investor’s point of view expansion to increase earnings by exploiting the resources available at a foreign location is the one of the main reason and objective of foreign direct investments. From the point of view of host and the source countries, the attaining and. Or sustaining the economic growth and society welfare are factors that induce foreign direct investments. Other factors that might impact the growth of foreign direct investments include changes in exchange rates, political regime/ development/ considerations, taxation rates and considerations in host country, macroeconomic variables, and the comparative advantages of an economy. FDIs are attracted basically induced when rate of return on the investment is at least more than internal rate of return. Exchange rate changes between the countries affect costs of productions and also the costs of assets to be acquired or installed using foreign investments. Economic growth and welfare considerations affect FDIs not only directly but also through other factors, as these considerations become the objectives to be attained through foreign direct investments. Politics intrudes in almost every business and social activity, and sometime political risks prove fatal for foreign direct investments. That is the reason foreign investors prefer democratic regimes in comparison with authoritarian administrations. Taxation rates of host country are often used as tools to promote considerations that affect inflow and outflow of foreign capital. Macroeconomic factors’ impacts bring direct affects on FDIs and include inflationary factors, stabilized exchange rates, GDP generation, availability of skilled labour, and the size of available market. Location advantages are so important that FDI decisions are often termed as location decisions. This paper studies the impacts and affects of these
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How Buy USA Helps Exporters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How Buy USA Helps Exporters - Essay Example The website has great presence across the country with offices in almost every region. This huge nationwide presence allows businesses from any region in the US to sign up to connect with potential clients. Buy USA gives business owners in the US a great opportunity to expand their businesses and put them on the international map. This expands the market for the businesses and enables them to maximize their profits with a lot of ease. It is a US commercial Service aimed at helping businesses find potential clients and meet new partners on the international level. Companies outside the USA can also find the website very useful in locating appropriate suppliers for their goods and services. Buy USA operates in about eighty countries across the world creating a very huge market for businesses to interact and share their products and services. Apart from connecting businesses to potential clients and business partners, Buy USA provides a wide range of services to both current and potential exporters, making it one of the leading commercial services in the country. The websites contains links to other equally essential business websites such as export.gov (www.export.gov) which has numerous resources about conducting an export business, and Commercial News USA (http://www.thinkglobal.us/) which offers businesses the latest news in the international market. Both new and experienced businesses in exports can benefit a great deal from using Buy USA. With a wide range of connection in about eighty countries, established export businesses can use these connections from Buy USA to rapidly increase their operations on the international scene, while new businesses can have a good foundation to start from with a great prospect of future growth and expansion. Among the services offered to new businesses that want to start exporting i nclude provision of relevant business and legal information, business advice, and advice on international logistics. New businesses can use this information to strategically plan their entry in to the international market. Lack of information and legal huddles have been stumbling barriers for small businesses to sell their products on the international scene but the services provided by Buy USA have greatly simplified that. With offices in over one hundred cities in the country, Buy USA is dedicated to ensuring growth of small businesses through provision of information and business advice to set them off to the international market. Established businesses can also benefit from services such as the latest international news, new links to customers and business partners, legal assistance, trade show experiences among others. Using Buy USA is a great way to market your business on the international scene. Established businesses can use this easy way to market their goods and services to the outside the US and reduce their marketing expenses on physical marketing (Joshi, 2005). The website enables businesses to maximize their profits by exporting their goods and services to a ready market outside the US. Buy USA is one of the most trusted agencies helping businesses in America and its growing popularity is set to benefit so many businesses, both big and small. Buy USA serves businesses in diverse industries ranging from agricultural, service businesses, manufacturing among others. Any company can join in and locate other businesses in the same industry for partnership or business deals. Potential clients for Buy USA include small and medium enterprises who may not afford the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Hauora Essay Example for Free
Hauora Essay If a person puts themselves first before others and their personal ambitions they are considered unhealthy. Communication through emotions is more powerful than words. If people show what they feel, instead of talking about their feelings, this is regarded as healthy. Te taha Wairua refers to spiritual well being. It is believed that if someone is lacking this they are more prone to ill health Wairua may also explore relationships with the environment, between people, or with heritage. The breakdown of this relationship could be seen in terms of ill health or lack of personal identity. Te taha Tinana refers to physical well being There is also the question of personal space to take into account. Maori consider stepping over someone as rude and demeaning to that persons mana (personal authority/power). However there are different ways in which respect is shown to another person. For example Maori tend to have minimal eye contact and respect each others space in formal situations. Body language is also an important feature to note. Whanau/Family is the prime support system providing care, not only physically but also culturally and emotionally. For Maori, whanau is about extended relationships rather than the western nuclear family concept. Maintaining family relationships is an important part of life and caring for young and old alike is paramount. Everyone has a place and a role to fulfil within their own whanau. Families contribute to a persons wellbeing and most importantly a persons identity. A Maori viewpoint of identity of identity derives much from family characteristics. It is important to understand that a person carrying an ancestral name will often be seen as having the qualities of their namesake. It is important to be aware for Maori, a persons identity is gleaned by asking Where are you from rather than What is your name? Maori identity is based upon an ancestral Waka (canoe) a physical landmark, which is usually a Maunga (mountain), a body of water Awa (river), Moana (sea) and a significant Tupuna (ancestor). Once this is known people can share a common bond.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty :: Movie Film Essays
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty Throughout this course, we have seen a number of films that are quite different. These films are diverse in their subject matter ranging from the drama of American Beauty, the political and action based nature of Three Kings, the science fictional social statements on technology presented by Blade Runner, to the fragmented and contemporary techniques of experimental Memento. However, I would argue that all of the above mentioned have been linked by an unsuspecting thread, and I am going to demonstrate what that thread is here. These films have been tied together by a theme, of which I have written in past analyses of some of these films, and I choose to bring that theme forward again. I do so because I believe that this particular notion is at the bottom and the most imperative in all of these stories. The notion, which I am referring to, is that the world is what we make of it; that bad things, and good things alike, happen to us, but our ultimate view of the world as a good or bad place is determined by our choice to perceive it as one or the other. Blade Runner portrays this ideology in the main representation of the replicants. When Deckard first meets Rachel, he says to Tyrell "She's a replicant, isn't she?" Tyrell responds by pointing out that "Rachel is an experiment. Nothing more." This makes us aware that Rachel is a replicant with memories and emotional response and is not aware of her true identity as a replicant but believes herself to be human. Her memories are implanted memories of Tyrell's niece. So Rachel believes her reality to be different from that of what Tyrell and Deckard know to be reality. Whether their reality is truer than Rachel's reality is a point of debate. This relative reality changes for Deckard as he becomes emotionally attached to Rachel and then romantically involved with her. Towards the end, Deckard does not see Rachel as a replicant any longer, even after she learns the truth. More generally, however, Blade Runner presents a world of deterioration. It is a time when most of humanity has left the earth in order to colonize other planets, and all natural life is virtually extinct. It is a world plagued by acid rain, genetically engineered plants, animals, and replicants of course.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Comparative Biography of Jesus in The Qur’an & The Bible
Jesus has been divinized a significant person in both Islam and Christianity.The Qur’an and the Bible, as the main sources of the information about Jesus respectively in Islam and Christianity, has contained the biographical narrations of Jesus, covering his life and death. Both similarities and differences can be found in the Qur’an and the Bible about the narrations of Jesus’ life. This essay will provide a comparative biography of this noble Messenger of God in the Qur’an and the Bible. ·Ã‚  In both the Qur’an and the Bible, Jesus is narrated as having had an extraordinary birth. The extraordinariness of the birth of Jesus can be mainly reflected from his biological mother being a virgin. Muslims and Christians both believe that a chaste, virgin woman called Mary miraculously gave birth to the male baby, Jesus before marrying her fiancà ©, Joseph.Evidence can be found in the Qur’an and the Bible about the startling birth of Jesus. As the Qur’an says, â€Å"she (Mary) said: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me.’ (Qur’an 3: 47) Similarly, Christians also believe that when Mary was married to a man called Joseph, while she was a virgin. According to the narration in the Bible, Joseph â€Å"kept her virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.†(Bible: Matthew 1:25) ·Ã‚  Both Muslims and Christians believe Jesus is a Messenger of God. According to Qur’an, belief in the Messengership of Jesus is one fundamental criterion to judge the true identity of a Muslim.As it is narrated with respect to the Messengership in the Quran, â€Å"the Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom many Messengers have passed away; and his mother adhered wholly to truthfulness, and they both ate food (as other mortals do).†(Qur’an 5:75). Most Christians believe in the Divinity of Jesus and consider him as the second member of the Triune God, the Son of the first part of the Triune God, who assigned by God to perform certain holy mission.As it is narrated in the Bible, â€Å"and now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while thou stretches out thy hand to heal, and sign and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus.†(Bible: Acts 4: 30).However, coexisting with the aforementioned similarities are some divergences of Muslims and Christians’ beliefs in term of the biography of Jesus in the Qur’an and the Bible. Two most representative ones are whether or not Jesus was the son of God as well as the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ibsen A Dolls House
The play â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Isben brings to light the realities of middle class society and its values. A woman’s place in 1800’s society was very different than it is today. Women did not have the same freedoms that they have today, in spite of the fact that they were strong and intelligent. Nora used this strength and intelligence in play and was punished for it.The play opens up with Nora arriving home and being greeted by her husband in a condescending manner. Torvald says to his wife, â€Å"Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again?†He also calls her a lark and a squirrel. However, Torvald is unaware that most of the money he gives his wife is going towards a loan that she secretly took out to help him. In the 1800’s, it was illegal for women to take out loans without their husband’s signature. Torvald was ill and the family needed money to help him. Nora secretly takes out a loan by forging her fatherâ€⠄¢s signature. This is illegal, of course, and later leads to Krogstad blackmailing Nora. When Torvald finds out he threatens her.The way Nora handles her situation is inspirational. She had been treated like a doll by both her father and her husband, but she has the strength to stand up to her husband. She decides to leave and start a new life for herself. The human spirit will not be trampled on. Nora has done something that is not wrong, and she has done it for a very good reason. She begins to question everything she has always blindly accepted, including being a wife and mother, and her religious training. Even though Nora was held down her whole life, she realizes that she has â€Å"duties to myself.†She knows that most people would think that what she was doing was wrong, but she stays true to herself. In the end, Nora does what she has to do to survive.â€Å"A Doll’s House†starts as a play about a typical middle class family. Nora goes through challeng es and realizes that they cannot do what society expects out of her. She goes outside the boundaries of what she is allowed to do as a woman for a reason that she feels is noble. But she is punished for that action and cannot accept the fact that she is reprimanded for it. In the end, when Nora decides to leave her husband and family, her decision opens up a possibility of a new life and personal growth for her. I was left wondering how that life will be, and wishing her success and happiness.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Theodore Roosevelt
The first president to push for conservation was Theodore Roosevelt. With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the youngest President in the Nation's history. He brought new excitement and power to the Presidency, as he led Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy.(pg1) He took the view that the President as a "steward of the people" should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expressly forbidden by law or the Constitution." I did not usurp power," he wrote, "but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."(pg1) Some of Theodore Roosevelt's most effective achievements were in conservation. He added enormously to the national forests in the West, reserved lands for public use, and fostered great irrigation projects.(pg1) From the Teddy Roosevelt Autobiography While I had lived in the West I had come to realize the vital need of irrigation to the country, and I had been both amused and irritated by the attitude of Eastern men who obtained from Congress grants of National money to develop harbors and yet fought the use of the Nation's power to develop the irrigation work of the West. Major John Wesley Powell, the explorer of the Grand Caà ±on, and Director of the Geological Survey, was the first man who fought for irrigation, and he lived to see the Reclamation Act passed and construction actually begun. Mr. F. H. Newell, the present Director of the Reclamation Service, began his work as an assistant hydraulic engineer under Major Powell; and, unlike Powell, he appreciated the need of saving the forests and the soil as well as the need of irrigation. Between Powell and Newell came, as Director of the Geological Survey, Charles D. Walcott, who, after the Reclamation Act was passed, by his force, per tinacity, and tact, succeeded in putting the act into effect in the best possible manner. Senator Francis G.... Free Essays on Theodore Roosevelt Free Essays on Theodore Roosevelt The next essay, by Gail Bederman, is an astonishing account of Theodore Roosevelt’s rise to fame in the 1890’s. In this account, she tells of Roosevelt’s political beginnings as a State assemblyman of New York. Her account starts with his presence in the assembly seen as an effeminate man. He was mocked by his peers incessantly. They called him names such as ‘Jane-Dandy’ and ‘Punkin-Lily’, and even comparing him with the likes of a known homosexual, Oscar Wilde. Roosevelt knew his Political career was in great jeopardy of being diffused before it even began. Knowing something about his history, he quit the senate and traveled west after his mother and wife both passed away on the same day. Bederman seems to paint a slightly different tale of TR needing to make this change for his political life. Spending five years in the western wilderness not only gave him the ‘manliness’ he was looking for but the basis for his political ideology. That of a strong but civilized white man. Using an 1899 speech to coin his phrase ‘The Strenuous Life’, Roosevelt laid down his plan as he saw it for the American man. Using the philosophy of human evolution as his argument that the dominant species will overcome. His ideals of American virilty and manhood were mandatory if America the nation was to hold its own in the world. As he saw it, our fight against the savage Indians of the west was our calling to world dominance. To be over civilized, peaceful, and lenient was now something to be ashamed of. It was effeminate and a way to lose control of our destiny. If we became luxury-loving or lost our virile zest, someone else, a manlier race, would then step in and become the power of the world. He explained his imperialism this way. A man working for his family and country were not enough. This virile manhood required us to do work outside our nation, just like a man goes outside the home to work everyday. The opportunities of the time,... Free Essays on Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt At the time of Roosevelt’s presidency the U.S. was a country rapidly coming into its own with Roosevelt as a president whom not only kept up, but pushed it even faster. Both on the domestic and international front Roosevelt aggressively expanded the power of presidency, the federal government and our nation. It was in the business area in which Roosevelt most aggressively expanded the power of federal government. The government passed few business regulations and in general left business to do as they saw fit. Roosevelt was the first who thought it was the duty of the federal government to make sure that they were responding to public’s needs. Because of this he actively regulated business by enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and pushing new regulatory legislation through congress. Roosevelt also worked to pass two events that marked the turning point of legislation, the Pure Food and Drug act and Meat Inspection bill. These laws were intended to protect consumers against those in the food industry, especially meat packing. Meat packers used rotten and diseased meat processed in unsanitary conditions and put labels on cans that had little or no relationship to its actual content. This problem Roosevelt personally experienced. Roosevelt’s greatest ally in this struggle against the meat packers was the novel â€Å"The Jungle†by Upton Sinclair. International affairs were marked by the same aggression as domestic affairs. The U.S. was already under the Monroe Doctrine, but it was Roosevelt who added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. This confirmed the restriction on European activities in the Western Hemisphere, but added the idea that when a country in the Western Hemisphere did not behave, such as paying off their debts to European countries the U.S. Had a responsibility to discipline them. Roosevelt’s extensive control over the Western Hemisphere especially the Caribbean was direc... Free Essays on Theodore Roosevelt The first president to push for conservation was Theodore Roosevelt. With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the youngest President in the Nation's history. He brought new excitement and power to the Presidency, as he led Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy.(pg1) He took the view that the President as a "steward of the people" should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expressly forbidden by law or the Constitution." I did not usurp power," he wrote, "but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."(pg1) Some of Theodore Roosevelt's most effective achievements were in conservation. He added enormously to the national forests in the West, reserved lands for public use, and fostered great irrigation projects.(pg1) From the Teddy Roosevelt Autobiography While I had lived in the West I had come to realize the vital need of irrigation to the country, and I had been both amused and irritated by the attitude of Eastern men who obtained from Congress grants of National money to develop harbors and yet fought the use of the Nation's power to develop the irrigation work of the West. Major John Wesley Powell, the explorer of the Grand Caà ±on, and Director of the Geological Survey, was the first man who fought for irrigation, and he lived to see the Reclamation Act passed and construction actually begun. Mr. F. H. Newell, the present Director of the Reclamation Service, began his work as an assistant hydraulic engineer under Major Powell; and, unlike Powell, he appreciated the need of saving the forests and the soil as well as the need of irrigation. Between Powell and Newell came, as Director of the Geological Survey, Charles D. Walcott, who, after the Reclamation Act was passed, by his force, per tinacity, and tact, succeeded in putting the act into effect in the best possible manner. Senator Francis G....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Effective Cooperative Learning Strategies
Effective Cooperative Learning Strategies Cooperative learning is an effective way for students to learn and process information quickly with the help of others. The goal of using this strategy is for students to work together to achieve a common goal. It is essential that each student understands their cooperative learning group role. Here we will take a brief look at a few specific roles, expected behavior within that role, as well as how to the monitor groups. Assign Individual Roles to Help Students Stay on Task Assign each student a specific role within their group, this will help each student stay on task and help the overall group work more cohesively. Here are a few suggested roles: Task Master/Team LeaderThis role entails the student to make sure his/her group stays on task. Sample statements: Have we read the paragraph on George Washington yet? We need to move on, we only have ten minutes left.CheckerThe checkers role is to make sure that everyone agrees with an answer. A Sample statement may be, Does everyone agree with Jens answer on the year Washington was born?RecorderThe role of the recorder is to write down everyone in the groups responses once they have all agreed to them.EditorThe editor is responsible for correcting all of the grammatical errors and to check for neatness.GatekeeperThe role of this person can be described as the peacemaker. He/she must make sure that everyone is participating and getting along. Sample statement: Lets here from Brady now.PraiserThis role entails a student to encourage other students to share their ideas and to work hard. A sample statement may be, Great idea Reesa, but lets keep trying, we can do this. Responsibilities and Expected Behaviors in Groups An essential element of cooperative learning is for students to use their interpersonal skills in a group setting. In order for students to accomplish their task, each individual must communicate and work collectively (use the talking chips strategy to control noise). Here are a few of the expected behaviors and duties each student is responsible for: Expected behaviors within the group: Everyone must contribute to the taskEveryone must listen to others within the groupEveryone must encourage group members to participatePraise good ideasAsk for help when neededCheck for understandingStay on task Responsibilities for each individual: To tryTo askTo helpTo be politeTo praiseTo listenTo be present 4 Things to Do When Monitoring Groups In order to ensure that groups are working effectively and together to complete the task, the teachers role is to observe and monitor each group. Here are four specific things that you can do while circulating around the classroom. Give Feedback: If the group is unsure on a specific task and needs help, give your immediate feedback and examples that will help reinforce their learning.Encourage and Praise: When circulating the room, take the time to encourage and praise groups for their group skills.Reteach Skills: If you notice that any group does not understand a particular concept, use this as an opportunity to reteach that skill.Learn About the Students: Use this time to learn about your students. You may find that one role works for one student and not another. Record this information for future group work.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cost and Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cost and Management - Assignment Example ant, or a management accountant must â€Å"perform their professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards (1996, 23).†Lis proposal clearly violates laws, regulations and technical standards by incorporating her personal assets in order to increase the companys assets, as well as making her employee shoulder temporarily a part of the expenses in order to increase the companys income. Aside from violating the standard of competence, Lis proposal also violates the standard of integrity, which according to Horngren, Bamber & Stratton, accountant should â€Å"refrain from engaging in any activity that would prejudice their ability to carry out their duties ethically [and to] refrain from engaging in or supporting any activity that would discredit the profession (1996, 23).†The philosophy behind accounting is to come up with reports that will show the performance of the company to people with vested interests to the company, such as the government, for the taxes, and the companys investors such as shareholders and creditors. With accounting, fair and accurate information is desired to be produced for the purpose of objectivity, another ethical standard for accounting. Only with objective information will people such as investors and creditors will put their trust on the company, investing on the company for the hope of gaining some return through competent management in the process. This will be violated with Lis proposal, as well. A. Using the Weighted Average method, prepare a production cost report (following the 4 steps outlined in the text) for the Strings department for October. Round to 4 decimal places for unit costs and to the nearest dollar in the production cost report. C. Assume that in order to remain competitive, the company undertook a major cost-cutting program during February. Would the effects of this cost-cutting program tend to show up more under the weighted average or under the FIFO method? Explain your
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