College supplemental essays
Pte Argumentative Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Evidence based practice and the reflective practice
Proof based practice and the intelligent practice From my perspective, I accept that the two primary kinds of exploration proof that could illuminate instructive practices are the proof based practice and the intelligent practice. I despite everything have at the forefront of my thoughts the expressions of Ravitch, I am profoundly thankful that my treatment depended on clinical exploration and not training research. Else, I would not be here to tell my story (Ravitch, 1998, p.33) and her request from her experience that instructors have something to gain from doctors as she was likewise teachers. The proof put together practice was first acquainted with respect with clinical exploration as proof based medication. Their fundamental source was the advancement of a specific sort of clinical examination the randomized controlled preliminary (RCT) which was structured as an approach to survey the estimation of new medications so as to check the cases of their makers (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.18). Be that as it may, there is a development in the late 1990s, in a few nations and furthermore in the UK, for both instructive practice and instructive strategy to turn out to be more proof based-or possibly proof educated (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.15). From my own understanding of instructing proficient practice has consistently been educated by proof. What we instruct on the class depends on proof. Reliance on a collection of logical information has been treated as a characterizing highlight of any calling, and has figured to a great extent in the endeavors by numerous occupations to pick up this status. Thinking back, in the start of the twentieth century it was taken to be one of the qualities that checked callings off from different occupations (Flexner, 1915). The development for proof based practice doesn't rehash the thoughts of the meaning of a calling, it includes unmistakable necessities. It suggests that training ought to be guided substantially more legitimately by research proof than already. Besides, instruction as a calling, or an assortment of callings, has consistently been a perplexing and challenged one. It is notable that, in many nations, teachers have never increased any independence and force accomplished by different callings, for example, attorneys and specialists. What's more, the fundamental group of information on which their training should be based was all the time subject information. Along these lines, in ongoing decades, in the UK and some different social orders, a frail handle of subject information with respect to grade teachers, particularly in the zones of science and arithmetic, has been considered liable for what has been recognized as helpless degrees of instructive execution (Traianou, 2007, p.11). As o pposed to this, research information has been forming the instructive practice a long time before the proof based practice started. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, the two popular instructive analysts have worked a couple of decades prior and their thoughts have been produced differing proposals for instructive practice. It is evident since Piagets name frequently has been conjured by promoters of disclosure learning and dynamic instruction two methodologies that emphatically underline the independence of the student. Besides, his work likewise features the significant job that subjective structures play in childrens learning, and, all the more by and large, that what students realize will rely upon where they are beginning from (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.18). Now, it is additionally essential to make reference to that Vygotsky drew on Piagets work, and the two of them accepted that students ought to effectively build their comprehension of the world. The two of them de nied that learning is an aloof reaction to outer upgrades however it has suggestions well past the setting of childrens learning. In reality, it conveys a significant message pretty much all types of instruction. Also, Hargreaves actually makes reference to Teaching isn't at present examination based calling and he proceeds with I have almost certainly that on the off chance that it were, instructing would be progressively viable and additionally fulfilling (Hargreaves, in Hammersley, 2009, p.3). The clinical calling has increased a ton of notoriety recently because of the development of its examination which essentially depends on proof based practice. Interestingly, the training calling didn't make such a stride. Rarely, instructors would look on other expert fields to analyze and gain from their structure (Hargreaves, in Hammersley, 2009, p.4). As an educator, I absolutely comprehend that despite the fact that we intensely depend on what we gain from our own encounters which are private preliminaries which may be correct or wrong. Conversely, in the proof based medication process they convert the data needs into responsible inquiries, track down with the greatest proficiency the best proof with which to reply, fundamentally assess that proof for its legitimacy and convenience, apply the outcomes and assess execution (Hargreaves, in Hammersley, 2009, p.13). Intelligent practice can be followed route back before the twentieth century, while a lot of what is engaged with the thought, for instance the possibility of phronesis delineated by Aristotle. Be that as it may, the announcement by Schã ¶n that as of late there has been a developing discernment that specialists, who should take care of the expert schools with helpful information, have less and less to state that professionals discover useful(Schà ¶n, 1987, p. 10) does truly upset a great deal since the intelligent practice was happened a well before and has not quite recently evolved. Moreover, Schã ¶n expressed that it is changed by appearance in real life (the capacity to consider what one is doing while at the same time doing it) and reflection-on-activity (the ability to ponder after the occasion what has occurred and on its suggestions for ones practice) (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.41). Building up these capacities, these types of reflection that proficient exp ertise and shrewdness can be developed over the span of understanding, and these limits are significant on the grounds that true issues don't generally introduce themselves in manners that would coordinate the specialized information created by research. The idea of intelligent practice has been under various names in the mid 1970s, went to the front during the 1980s through crafted by Schã ¶n, Valli and Elliott. This idea places as much accentuation on instructors own assessment of their practices as on the arranging and the board abilities into which such assessment takes care of( Moore, in Hammersley, 2009, p.122). One of the ongoing suggested methods in the intelligent professional talk is the creating of educators own journal or diary that can deliberately reflect. With this technique, educators can develop themselves and build up their own legitimate instructing strategy. Not surprisingly, the presentation of new thoughts was acknowledged by less experienced instructors instead of progressively experienced ones. As Mitchell and Weber (1996) expressed experience instructors recommend that they are only liable to cause concern, turmoil and misinformed conduct through their over-personalization of showing movement (Mitchell and W eber, 1996, p.34). So far, I have portrayed the two principle kinds of exploration proof that could illuminate instructive practice. Besides, I will make reference to contrasts and huge likenesses. Hargreaves and other people who have concerned how exploration serves proof based practice are not just advancing a specific perspective on the connection among examination and practice. Unmistakably they think instructive examination needs to change in character, albeit neither Ravitch nor Hargreaves demands that it must appear as randomized controlled preliminaries (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.26). In any case, from the perspective of upholding proof based practice, the acts of experts depend on information that must be wiped out for methods dictated by sound, experimentally approved exploration proof. Conversely, Schã ¶ns point of view, those customary practices are viewed as skilful and principled systems that can't be bettered by the replacement of examination based information; rather, they must be improved by further appearance in and on proficient practice (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.41). Also, Moore recommends that, the intelligent specialist talk was not powerful in legitimate circles during his occasions. He demands that there are associations between each model and specific ways to deal with instructive examination. It might be said, the abilities talk has a proclivity with quantitative strategy, and the intelligent professional model with subjective technique (Moore, in Hammersley, 2009, p.127). As I would like to think, I accept that there could be another closeness because of the way that both are viewed as unrepresentative. It cannot be assumed that all subjects participating in RCT preliminaries are illustrative of the individuals who will in the end be taking the medication or treatment and the information that an instructor actually assembles from his/her own study hall conditions can't be attempted to apply to all conditions. Them two have similar objectives which are to improve the corpus of knowledgeand to illuminate instructive practice. Likewise, the two of them depend on philosophical grounds positivist one and interpretivist (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.79). On the other, it can't be assumed that all subjects participating in RCT preliminaries are illustrative of the individuals who will in the long run be taking the medication or treatment and the information that an educator actually accumulates from his/her own study hall conditions can't be dare d to apply to all conditions. All things considered, I can't help thinking that they share a great deal of focuses in like manner, for example, theirposition with hypothesis, which they dont question as both will in general gander at showing systems as opposed to the feeling of instructing and what is educated. To summarize, I would not differ that RCTs give quantifiable results, and the intelligent talk accentuates the specialists experience, this doesnt imply that it disregards the aptitudes and procedures required yet tha
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay
Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay IMC for UPS MI Rent-A-Book Joliette Hernandez Brandman University Standards of Marketing MKTU 301-OT1 Theresa Cummings February 23, 2013 IMC for UPS MI Rent-A-Book This Integrated Marketing Communications Plan centers around UPS’s new division, which is called UPS MI Rent-A-Book. UPS-MI Rent-A-Book was made to give a prudent reading material rental experience for all understudies inside the touching United States. This would be offered as an affordable item since we have disposed of the mediator, we have the accessible distribution center space expected to grow if necessary, in addition to the expertise so as to house every single rental course book. We would likewise have the option to offer the client a few transportation alternatives, for example, direct ground delivery, Next Day Air, Second Day Air, just as other delivery choices. We have found from essential exploration that a vast greater part of undergrads have not known about UPS MI Rent-A-Book, and have understood that so as to succeed brand acknowledgment must be enhanced. We will likely ensure we coordinate ourselves inside a school student’s regular day to day existenc e, making UPS MI Rent-A-Book the attitude they have as a primary concern for leasing reading material. UPS MI Rent-A-Book is a Fontana, CA based organization that permits clients to either buy books at limited costs, or to lease books with moderate rental periods. The rental time frames accessible for our clients are 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, with limits offered for future rentals whenever returned by their unique due dates. Lease A-Book permits understudies to lease or buy books effortlessly, with books conveyed in about seven days. Despite the fact that UPS MI Rent-A-Book is in its second year of genuine business, they right now have around 200 representatives running a 24 hour activity. Our present qualities are differed, for example the way that we are a division of UPS, a delivery organization head honcho that is an industry dispatching pioneer prompts having a strong budgetary spine to incline toward. We at present have no physical areas on school grounds other than our w orking stockroom situated in Fontana, Ca, yet our site is appealingly positioned to attract clients. Our vivid site was intended to be easy to use and agreeable, where customers can do their perusing and shopping with the right-snap of their mouse. Our 24 hour client hot line is kept an eye on by our respectable client care group which can deal with any earnest issue given to them. So as to increase further information with respect to our UPS MI Rent-A-Book brand, we solicited 100 from our buying customer’s as they completed their deal to take an interest in a deliberate review. Our outcomes indicated that out of the 100 studied that 56 of them were female, while the staying 44 were male. We additionally noticed that our outcomes indicated that about 30% reacted â€Å"no†when inquired as to whether they had ever known about this Rent-A-Book division of UPS. Being that our new UPS adventure is new, it is reasonable with regards to why it might have a low brand acknowle dgment. With College course reading costs on the ascent, â€Å"increasing at around 6 % every year, and have significantly increased from December 1986 to December 2007,†Rent-A-Book is very much arranged to allure a huge level of the course reading rental and buying market (Longley). Target Audience Demographics: Male 41% Females 59% Ages 18-24 28% 25-34 23% 35-44 92% Children in Household: 53% Have children at home. Family unit pay: $0-50k 23% $50-100k 21% $100-150k 35% Education Level: No College: 41% College: 47% Grad School: 11% Ethnicity: Caucasian 53% African American 25% Asian 8% Hispanic 13% Other 1%  ©2013 Quantcast Corporation Showcasing Objectives: a) Maintaining or expanding our piece of the pie in the US by about 5% for the following 5 years. b) Become the market chief for rental course books in the US by 2015.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rwanda Genocide Essays
Rwanda Genocide Essays Rwanda Genocide Essay Rwanda Genocide Essay The word decimation originates from the Greek word genos importance race or family and cide significance murdering. In Raphael Lemkin’s words, destruction is the wrongdoing of obliterating a particular gathering of strict as well as racial individuals. A few territories where destruction may happen is Africa, the Middle East, or some other underdeveloped nations. Destruction will in general happen in as of late crumbled territories of foundation, government, and so on. The Holocaust occurred in Germany and other German controlled areas.The Holocaust started in 1938 and finished in 1945, while the Rwanda decimation started on April sixth of 1994 and not yet finished. Both the Holocaust and the Rwanda slaughter were comparable because of their employments of characterization, symbolization, dehumanization, and polarization. Be that as it may, the Tutsis confronted association, planning, eradication, and forswearing uniquely in contrast to the Jews from Germany. Tutsis and Jews w ere both delegated the â€Å"others†gathering. Grouping is when societies have classes in which they recognize individuals into â€Å"us and them†by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality.The Tutsis and Jews were both the first elevated requirement individuals of the social pyramid. The homesteaders accepted that the Tutsi were normal rulers, so they just put the Tutsis into places of power and victimized Hutus and Twa. (Hymowitz; Parker) Many Jews, just as gay people and impaired individuals, were focused as adversaries to Adolf Hitler. The motivation behind why they were Hitler’s target was on the grounds that he accepted that they debilitated the Nazi Party. (Fremy) This class affected the manner in which others saw the Tutsis and Jews who were previously the better race.This closeness is significant than this classification since we can see that a great part of the notable destructions have impacted different massacres. The two slaughters additionally c ontrast and their utilization of symbolization. Symbolization is appeared with a logo utilized as an image of disdain that one gathering feels towards another. The Hutus named the Tutsi individuals with their physical appearances. It was additionally expected for the two gatherings to convey ID to guarantee whether they have a place with the Hutus or the Tutsis. (The Rwandan Genocide: The Steps to Genocide) Hitler likewise utilized images to effectively recognize his enemies.Nazi Germany shaded gay people with a pink triangle, earthy colored triangles for vagabonds, green for lawbreakers, and red for political foes. (Fremy) This classification has influenced the two gatherings since it was a lot simpler to torment the individuals who were the â€Å"enemies. †This closeness is imperative to the classification in light of the fact that numerous blameless lives have died because of the images of contempt that were constrained upon them. Both the Tutsis and the Jews were dehuman ized in comparative manners. Dehumanization is the point at which one gathering precludes the mankind from claiming the other group.The Hutus for the most part provoked the Tutsi individuals by calling them cockroaches or trees as a result of their skin shading and their tallness. Additionally, some frontier rulers felt that by preferring the Hutu and attempting to reclaim some force from the Tutsi, they could stay in power longer. (Hymowitz; Parker) In request to dehumanize the Jews, Josef Goebbels utilized negative purposeful publicity to censure Jews for the financial and social clashes or Germany just as the world. The Nazis likewise dehumanized them by considering them the â€Å"inferior race†, which laid the preparation to taking out the Jews from their privileges and opportunity. Dehumanization of the Jews) This class affected the two gatherings since they were totally deprived of their mankind. This likeness is essential to the class since it just took one explanation or so to make the Tutsis and Jews look terrible. The Hutus and the Nazi Germans both sorted out gatherings to help dispense with the Tutsis and the Jews. Association can be casual, decentralized, and even incorporate the utilization of civilian armies to give deniability of state duty. The Hutus sorted out the MNRD and the Interahamwe, who arranged the destruction well.They likewise utilized purposeful publicity, facilitated assault against the Tutsis, and regularly got shipments of weapons. (The Rwandan Genocide: The Steps to Genocide) The Nazis put Jews, and the others into ghettos which permitted him simple access to execute whoever is too frail to even consider living. â€Å"In the topsy turvy universe of the Holocaust, honorable experts were Hitlers advance soldiers. †(Black) This class affected the two gatherings since now we realize that each and every individual who was not a Tutsi or a Jew had walked out on them and neutralized them.This similitude is essential to this particular classification since now we likewise realize that individuals will do anything not be executed and known as an expansion to the foes. Both the Hutus and Nazis use polarization. Polarization is the phase that includes the utilization of publicity so as to convince individuals to walk out on individuals who were at one time their companion. The principle media source was the radio. The Hutu radicals controlled the radio and utilized it to play detest purposeful publicity messages advising all Hutus to execute the Tutsis. (Abhor Radio) In Nazi Germany, the Nazis disclosed to Jews that they were useless individuals that didn’t have the right to live.Nazis denied Jewish individuals from the human rights and moved them into filthy, ailment ridden ghettos. (The Ghettoization of European Jews) This classification affected the two gatherings by indicating that they would go to extraordinary measures to dispense with the contradicting gatherings. This similitude is crit ical to the class since it demonstrated everybody that with one basic talk, individuals will walk out on you in a snap. Albeit the two massacres had numerous likenesses, they additionally had a distinction known as planning. Arrangement is where the two gatherings arranged out how they would execute their adversaries and with what weapons.Hutus walked all through the nation with cleavers, firearms, explosives, and clubs, fiercely killing the two Tutsis and Hutu moderates. â€Å"The prosecutors’ trouble included the understanding of code words, for example, the expression â€Å"go to work†as a call to murder the Tutsi and the Hutu who restricted the Rwandan system. †(Holocaust Encyclopedia) During the holocaust, the Nazis moved Jews into ailment ridden ghettos to ensure the â€Å"master race. †The Nazis would likewise send Jews to be stripped and executed with poison gas in gas chambers. Auschwitz Concentration Camp) This classification affected the two gatherings by showing the manner in which each gathering had their perspective. This distinction is essential to the classification since we can see the numerous ways that they had chosen to take out their adversaries. The Hutus and the Nazi Germans additionally contrasted in their techniques for eradication. In Stanton’s words, elimination is the phase where they kill their foes in who they accept are not completely human. This destruction was completed totally by hand, frequently utilizing cleavers and clubs.The men whod been prepared to slaughter were individuals from regular citizen demise crews, the Interahamwe. (Harmony Pledge Union) The Nazi individuals decided to annihilate the Jews through gas chambers. In the event that any of them quit strolling en route, at that point they would be shot dead and left in the day off. (Wiesel) This classification affected the two gatherings since it demonstrated their ability to proceed with the mass killings. This distinction is e ssential to the class in light of the fact that their strategies all varied and demonstrated the qualities of the Germans and the Hutus. Both the Hutus and the Nazis denied that they at any point carried out their genocides.Denial is the remainder of the eight phases where a gathering denies that they perpetrated a wrongdoing in which they truly committed. The Hutu restriction pioneer, Victoire Ingabire, was captured for a long time for denying that the Rwanda decimation at any point happened. Rulisa said the pioneer was seen as blameworthy of the â€Å"crime of trick in hurting specialists through fear based oppression and war†just as refusal of Rwanda’s 1994 destruction. (AFP) Himmler taught his camps to pulverize all current proof demonstrating that the Holocaust at any point occurred. He was exceptionally fixed on the numerous survivors who lived to tell their experience from the inhumane imprisonments and gas chambers. Austin) At the finish of the Holocaust, Hitl er ended it all on April 30, 1945 in his underground shelter before he had the option to be caught. The Rwanda slaughter finished when the Rwandan Patriotic Front assumed control over the nation. The two destructions have affected our general surroundings by making harmony associations and slaughter counteraction gatherings. At long last, both the Rwandan annihilation and the Holocaust were comparable in their methods of grouping, symbolization, dehumanization, association, polarization, and disavowal. In any case, the two gatherings contrasted in their strategies for arrangement and extermination.In request to keep destructions from happening, we should abstain from falling into despair overall society.
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 5
Business - Essay Example What's more, a business person is fundamentally liable for fruitful improvement just as disappointment of any business. The field wherein the individuals lead exercises identifying with business based activities is known as enterprise environment (Sharma and Chrisman, 1999). According to the above setting, the plan of the article is to portray about the idea of business enterprise with most extreme spotlight on different huge angles. These viewpoints for the most part involve pioneering attitudinal practices, ability improvement and qualities among others. A business person is viewed as the fundamental or key coordinator of an organization. It is emphatically accepted that without the assistance just as the complete association of a business visionary, the organizations couldn't have the option to accomplish their separate targets. It merits referencing that a business person ought to have a few characteristics of a big shot in their conduct. All the more explicitly, it tends to be expounded that a business visionary ought to stay certain while playing out any movement. The nearness of certainty inside the idea of a business person is a social attribute of an effective specialist. Additionally, it is likewise figured as a trademark for the business people (Action COACH Business Coaching, 2014). Aside from the above expressed traits, a business person must bear inspirational perspectives during the whole residency of the business procedure. These uplifting perspectives will absolutely increment or improve in building the key aptitudes o f a business person. As far as conduct, demeanor just as aptitude advancement, a business person ought to have the concentration over catching the requirement for accomplishments, liberality, unclearness, locus of control just as hazard taking propensity. A business person ought to have the adaptability in its conduct, so it can address the progressions made in outer just as interior business factors. More
Friday, August 21, 2020
National Programme for IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
National Program for IT - Essay Example National application specialist organizations (NASPS) will be liable for conveying national application.LPS will have the duty of conveying the nearby parts of national consideration record administration (NCRS). These were made for contracting purposes and this prompted the nation being partitioned into five bunches that were contending to choose a committed LSP which would convey the incorporated National Care Records Service over that way The consideration records administration is liable for the vast majority of the practices that include the patients that incorporate minding their advancement, proactive choice help, solution requesting, and coordinated patients’ information. The principal stage whose due finishing was in 2004, featured that all the clinicians should have the option to get to patient’s data from the web and that the medical clinics were to be x-beam empowered. Later on, the clinicians were to have the option to get to the records of the patients including their release time, their own documentations and more on their remedies. The information spine was to manage or control who got to the information and go about as the entryway to the working of LSP. This implied there would be no entrance to LSP without due credibility from the information spine. The spine had the addresses of the individuals, their names, their updates and the segment information of the patients in it The national solution administration was added to the NCRS to aid the national remedies development between the GPs, National Prescribing Price Authority and the network drug specialists. This will lessen the reiteration in solutions and the regulatory weight to oversee them and furthermore help give the drug specialists in getting the input required and becoming more acquainted with whether the patients are accepting the meds as recommended. What's more, the patients will have the option to book arrangements without the need to line. The NHS organize is exceptionally proficient to permit if to function admirably between NHS segments
Monday, August 3, 2020
Commuting to Columbia Universitys campus COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Commuting to Columbia Universitys campus COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We often discuss the wonderful diversity of students at SIPA on this blog. That diversity means students are moving to New York from all over the country and the world so inevitably one of the first questions admitted students have is about where they should live. Some students move to the city just before they begin their studies and live right by campus; some used to live in New York, move back and crash with friends for the first few weeks; some live with family off commuter train lines; and others have been living here for years in all corners of the city. No matter when or how you arrive, all of us have to figure out what our commute to Columbia will be. I am one of those students who was already living and working in New York before coming to SIPA so this post is to share some thoughts and advice on living farther from Columbia than walking distance or just off the 1 train. I live on the East side of Manhattan and my commute to campus takes forty minutes on a very good day, or an hour on a bad day. I decided to stay at my current apartment, despite the long commute. Thankfully, I have been happy with my choice and discovered I get all my reading done during my commute! I have friends who live in Midtown and Brooklyn, and I’ve even met a few students who commute via the Metro-North line from even farther outside the city. So it’s definitely possible to live beyond campus! It just depends on what you’re looking for in your SIPA experience. If you are someone who has extreme FOMO (fear of missing out), living farther away might be frustrating for you as you can’t run over whenever a spontaneous happy hour or study group occurs. If you’re someone who is coming to SIPA because you want to be in the heart of New York City and go to shows and museums in your spare time, you might enjoy living further downtown or in Brooklyn, depending on the environment you’re looking for. One second-year student told me that living far away (he lives in Midtown East) means he actually spends more time on campus because he knows he can’t commute back and forth within the day. Another student said that a longer commute can be frustrating and sometimes tiring but added that living far away teaches you time management and to operate more efficiently. Rebecca Krisel, MIA 2016, lives in Brooklyn, and sees her commute as a benefit: “Though I spend nearly two hours a day underground, commuting from Crown Heights in Brooklyn to SIPA, it is an opportunity to have uninterrupted time to read the newspaper or to get lost in a novel, as well as catch up on some podcasts, she says. The commute each way is exactly the right amount of time to enjoy any genre of storytelling and my Kindle is my best commuting friend. Since I already lived in Brooklyn before beginning my degree at SIPA, I felt tied to the community and my home. Uprooting to Harlem would have felt like I was moving to a new city and I am glad I made the decision to stay in Brooklyn. It allows me to engage with the rest of the city while I study urban policy at SIPA, and it creates an incentive to enjoy what New York has to offer. From a social perspective, there are times when I feel as though living far away cuts me off from the social life at SIPA. However, I have never had an issue convincing SIPA peers to visit me in Brooklyn on the weekends. Here are some tips if you decide to live beyond Morningside Heights (where SIPA is located): Be sure to consider transportation costs of MetroCards when you make your budget for the school year! Download a mobile app or two that will help you check if trains are delayed or out of serviceyou don’t want to get stuck on an already long commute, nor do you want to miss class. Here is a list of mobile apps that can help you get around the city. When it snows, be sure to check closures and leave extra time for your commuteyou’ll even walk a bit slower when it’s icy outside. Set up a system for yourself to be productive on the train or bus. I get all my reading done for class during my commute by planning ahead and downloading all my readings to an iPad. Other options include printing your readings on campus and taking those with you or using another e-reader, such as a Kindle. Be upfront with any homework groups you are in that you are not able to run back and forth to campus, so if you need to meet in person they know when you’ll be on campus. And if you find your commute too long, you can always move closer to campus! Maybe only sign a one year lease when you first move to New York if you want to give yourself the option to move elsewhere for your second year. Want to practice the commute to Columbia University? Come to a SIPA information session or tour, by signing up here.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Nike Commercial 2014 Risk Everything - 825 Words
Nike Commercial 2014: Risk Everything (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Risk EverythingIntroductionDuring the 2014 world cup, Nike the American sports apparel and Wieden Kennedy and American advertising company came up with one of the most intriguing commercials. The advert featured a well thought out message, which came out boldly; Risk Everything. The logo on the advert featured the bold statement, a skull with the Nike symbol on the forehead, a flaming dice and balls by the sides of the skull, as well the year of the world cup it represented. The advert carried a weighty mantra, which encourages all the players and the fans to risk everything that they have and engage in the game of football as it is supposed to be.Thesis statement: Football cannon be played as a job as it is a form of enjoyment and there is nothing to loose in risking everything on the pitch for sheer enjoyment.In the beginning moments elaborated by the advert, football is a form of enjoyment that does not have to be played in the pitch to be enjoyed. It does not require one to be the best player or on the best manicured lawns to have a pleasurable moment. It is more of the essence that can only be captured by the inner feelings that it elicits in the players and the fans alike. There are no measures or scales that can define football, as it is a free spirit. This is the message the advert passes in the first 30 seconds. Professional football players are seen tackling it out o the pitch, with high level of skills and fans cheering them on. This is merged with quality moments of young boys playing football on the streets of Rio.In the next 50 seconds that follow, the basic aspects of football are challenged. The advert tries to bring in the fact that even the best players have a high chance of missing and the bottom line is that they risk too much on the pitch. At the same time the advert cleverly indicates that players are human and the can make mistakes which can result in more than 50% of failure. Christiano Ronaldo , is then brought up to indicate the fact that some of the players are quite rich and they take their riches to the match events. As a way of correcting the human nature of football, with reference to mistakes, risk taking and discipline, there is a proposal to clones that have enhanced abilities and reduced element of human players take on the game. Ideally, the clones do not take risks as the humans and are bound to bring in better results as they are not human. This compromises football and turns out that the clones are not as great and are killing the game and the spirit of the game.With football compromised by the clones that are turning out to be least interesting to the fans, most of them turn to other sports such as basketball. There are no more children playing on the streets and life drags along as all the professional players are occupied doing other laborious chores to make money and get along. The advert is cleverly tuned at this point to create a moment of desperation. People no longer want to watch football as it is boring and the element of risk taking lacking. This makes the game boring to most of the people that loved before the clones that want to play safe came along. It turns out that it is not what the people wanted after all.As the storyline in the advert develops, there is an underlying statement of taking risks. All the professional football players, such as Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Zlatan, AndrÃÆ's Iniesta, Ribery , Howard and David Luiz come together. The bottom line about the coming together of these professional players is to bring back the element risk in playing football. Ideally, the game is not entertaining because the players can master moves that seem supernatural; it is the element o...
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